Got Yeast?
Candida Albicans is an aggressive fungus commonly found in the birth canal, intestines and mouths of healthy humans, yet can become problematic after the usage of antibiotic, contraceptive pills and HRT, stress or consuming sugar excessively. It is a very common yet almost always undiagnosed condition that many of us are suffering with. Many of us have no idea that this gut yeast can be the underlying cause to most of our health issues.
The list of symptoms is long and not every one is discussed below. If you suspect that Candida may be contributing to your health problems then the following questionnaire should give you some indication of whether your suspicions are well founded.
The grand total score will help you decide if your health problems are yeast connected.
Scores in women will be higher due to the use of the contraceptive pill, but symptoms may show for men equally due to exposure to hormones and other drugs via the water supply.
Yeast connected health problems are almost certainly present in women with scores over 180 and in men with scores over 140.
Yeast connected health problems are probably present in women with scores over 120 and in men with scores over 90.
Yeast connected health problems are possibly present in women with scores over 60 and in men with scores over 40.
With scores of less than 60 in women and 40 in men, yeasts are less apt to cause health problems.
Section A – Histology
1. Have you ever taken antibiotics for acne for 1 month or longer? – 35 pts
2. Have you, at any time in your life taken other broad spectrum antibiotics for respiratory, urinary or other
infections (for 2 months or longer, or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a 1 year period)? – 35 pts
3. Have you taken a broad spectrum antibiotic drug even in a single course? – 6 pts
4. Have you, at any time of your life, been bothered by persistent thrush, vaginitis or others? – 25 pts
5. Have you been pregnant?
a. Two or more times? – 5 pts
b. Only once? – 3 pts
6. Have you taken birth control pills?
a. For more than 2 years? – 15 pts
b. For 6 months to 2 years? – 8 pts
7. Have you taken cortisone type drugs?
a. For more than 2 weeks? – 15 pts
b. For two weeks or less? – 6 pts
8. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric conditioners and other chemicals provoke:
a. Moderate to severe symptoms? – 20 pts
b. Mild symptoms? – 5 pts
9. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in mouldy places? – 20 pts
10. Have you had athletes foot, ringworm or other chronic fungus infections of the skin or nails?
a. Severe or persistent? – 20 pts
b. Mild to moderate? – 10 pts
11. Do you crave sugar? – 10 pts
12. Do you crave breads? – 10 pts
13. Do you crave alcohol? – 10 pts
14. Does tobacco smoke really bother you? – 10 pts
Add total score and record it at the end of this section
Section B – Major Symptoms
For each of your symptoms, write down the appropriate figure for each depending on severity.
If a symptom is occasional or mild – 3 pts
If a symptom is frequent and/or moderate – 6 pts
If a symptom is severe and/or disabling – 9 pts
1. Fatigue or lethargy
2. Feelings of being ‘drained’
3. Poor memory
4. Feeling ‘spacey’ or ‘unreal’
5. Inability to make decisions
6. Numbness, burning or tingling
7. Insomnia
8. Muscle aches
9. Muscle weakness or paralysis
10. Pain and/or swelling in joints
11. Abdominal pain
12. Constipation
13. Diarrhoea
14. Bloating, belching or intestinal gas
15. Troublesome vaginal burning, itching or discharge
16. Prostatitis
17. Impotence
18. Loss of sexual desire or feeling
19. Endometriosis or infertility
20. Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities
21. Premenstrual tension
22. Attacks of anxiety or crying
23. Cold hands or feet and/or chilliness
24. Shaking or irritable when hungry
Add total score and record it at the end of this section
Section C – Other Symptoms
For each of your symptoms, write down the appropriate figure for each depending on severity.
If a symptom is occasional or mild – 3 pts
If a symptom is frequent and/or moderate – 6 pts
If a symptom is severe and/or disabling – 9 pts
1. Drowsiness
2. Irritability or jitteriness
3. Lack of co-ordination
4. Inability to concentrate
5. Frequent mood swings
6. Headache
7. Dizziness/loss of balance
8. Pressure above ears
9. Feeling of head swelling
10. Tendency to bruise easily
11. Chronic rashes or itching
12. Numbness/tingling
13. Indigestion or heartburn
14. Food sensitivity or intolerance
15. Mucus in stools
16. Rectal itching
17. Dry mouth/throat
18. Rash or blisters in mouth
19. Bad breath
20. Foot, hair or body odour not relieved by washing
21. Nasal congestion or post-nasal drip
22. Nasal itching
23. Sore throat
24. Laryngitis, loss of voice
25. Cough or recurrent bronchitis
26. Pain or tightness in chest
27. Wheezing or shortness of breath
28. Urinary urgency or frequency
29. Burning on urination
30. Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision
31. Burning or tearing of eyes
32. Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
33. Ear pain or deafness
Add total score and record it at the end of this section
Add up the total score for each section to make your grand total
Scores in women will be higher due to the use of the contraceptive pill, but symptoms may show for men equally due to exposure to hormones and other drugs via the water supply
Yeast connected health problems are almost certainly present in women with scores over 180 and in men with scores over 140.
Yeast connected health problems are probably present in women with scores over 120 and in men with scores over 90.
Yeast connected health problems are possibly present in women with scores over 60 and in men with scores over 40.
With scores of less than 60 in women and 40 in men, yeasts are less apt to cause health problems.
If you have any worries or concerns with your score and would like to speak to me about how I can help you, then book your free discovery call today.
Stacey Carl
Raw Health Coach